Making connections…


Ugh, I am such a newbie at this blogging stuff. It’s not as simple as writing down your thoughts and plopping them on the interwebs.  (Interwebs is what a group of friends call the Internet.)

…wait. It can be that simple. It’s a matter of choosing what you want your blog to be. Hmmm.

I’ve always wanted my blog to be about me.

*wicked grins*

Okay, not because I’m so wonderful and awesome, although I’ve been told that. I don’t really believe it, but still I’ve been told that. It would be nice to believe it, I suppose. Although if I did believe it, would that make me narcissistic? Ugh.

No, I want it to be about me because I learned long ago that I’m not the only person going through the things I go through. Some of the trials, journeys, and discoveries can be, should be shared with others. When I sit with friends and talk about what I’m currently experiencing, they are like “Wow, that’s really interesting, I need to know more about that,” or they say, “I’m about to go through something similar, let’s keep in touch.”

Now that I’m restarting my blog with this particular adventure of figuring out what the heck my next journey is going to be, I have even more people wanting to see where this path leads, as they will be embarking on a similar journey.

Okay, that’s all well and good, however I’d like a lot of people to be part of this than just my little circle of friends and acquaintances. Once more, I’ve been working on figuring out how to connect. I want to see if my suspicions of others finding a connection with me are correct. What I plan to do now is to figure how to get connected. That’s my job in the next couple weeks. Getting connected with other folks via the Internet is my current goal. Prior to the launch of my series, I would like to have some of these connections in place. Sheesh, what a lousy paragraph. I’ve used a version of connect 5 times, now six.

I’m going to be asking for your help along the way. I want to know how you connect with other people. It doesn’t have to be virtual connections, face-to-face works too. If something strikes a chord with you, awesome, I want to know! Leave comments, let’s talk about it!

Blogger Poster, begging for comments!

I loved this and YES, it's self-promotion!

((I really wanted that little self-promoting picture, but the attribution wasn’t working like I wanted it to. It’s important to give credit to the creators of things you use, in the manner they request. It’s awesome that they’ll allow you to us it in the first place! So, I’m complying, even though I don’t believe they were planning it to look like it does below!))

<div xmlns:cc=”” about=””><a rel=”cc:attributionURL” href=””></a> / <a rel=”license” href=””>CC BY-NC 2.0</a></div>

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